Simtech’s Formal Point-in-Time Summary Report is a comprehensive document that provides detailed information about the results of a PIT homelessness count conducted in a specific geographic area, once results are approved by the submitting agency and HUD. The reports are developed in coordination with the submitting agency to ensure that the contents of the report highlight the community-relevant findings and data points as well as separate sections within the report for volunteer participation, shelter utilization, demographic characteristics, annual trends, as well as more in-depth analysis for key subpopulations including veterans, chronically homeless, and youth.

Generally, these reports cover an overview of the PIT count process, the methodology used, the date of the count, and the agencies or organizations involved in conducting the count. However, the primary focus of the report is to present the results of the PIT count in the form of infographics and brief narratives to provide easy-to-understand key takeaways from the count data. These data are typically broken down by subpopulations, such as individuals, families, veterans, youth, and chronic homelessness accompanied by demographic information (age, gender, race, and ethnicity). Additionally, the report provides information about where persons experiencing homelessness (PEH) were sleeping on the night of the count such as shelters, encampments, and places not meant for human habitation.

To provide context, communities may choose to include historical data and comparisons with previous PIT counts to depict trends in counts and in subpopulations. Some reports may highlight the utilization of homeless services, such as emergency shelters, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing to help assess the effectiveness of service programs. The report may provide insights into the characteristics of the homeless population, including the reasons for homelessness, the presence of disabilities or mental health issues, how long they have been in the community, the length of time homeless, and more depending on the communities chosen survey questions. Common highlights in these reports include in-depth analysis of subpopulations, implications, and inferencing, and recommendations for addressing homelessness based on the findings.

Sample PIT Reports prepared by Simtech Solutions:

Solano County CA Point-in-Time Count Community Report for 2024

El Dorado Opportunity Knocks PIT Count Report

2022 Solano County PIT Count Full Report

Solano County Point-In-Time Homeless Count Report - 2024