The steps to take for getting started with Counting Us are described in the "Getting Started" flyers linked to below, as well as within this training video. Please check out our Volunteer Page to see if your community has a Volunteer Registration portal to determine which guidance to follow.

If you registered through a Volunteer Portal, or if your community has a Volunteer Registration portal and you have yet to register, then follow these steps...

If you DID NOT register to participate in the count through a Volunteer Registration portal...

  1. Download the Counting Us app from either Google Play or the Apple App Store.
  2. Tap "Register" to create an account; fill in your information and hit "Submit Registration".
  3. Enter in your account information and tap "Login".
  4. Tap Join Count and enter in the "Setup Key" associated with your region. 
  5. If you are shown a list of regions, then select the one you will be counting in. 
  6. You're all set to participate in the count!
  Getting Started with Counting Us  


If you registered for the count through a Volunteer Registration portal:

  1. Register for the Count using your community's Volunteer Registration Portal. Many of these are listed here.
  2. Check the welcome email you received after registering and click the Update Password link on the bottom of this to set your password. If you don't see a welcome email, you can also click "Forgot Password" on the first screen of the Counting Us app. 
  3. Download the Counting Us app from either Google Play or the Apple App Store;
  4. Tap Get Started.
  5. View the "My Count" map to see where you will be counting. 
  6. You're all set to participate in the count!

A "Getting Started Flyer" for Regions using the Volunteer Registration Portal can be found here.